Claire lives in Canada. She speaks both English and French and goes to a bilingual school. In her video she tells you all about the fun things she likes to do. She learned to box at the Toronto Newsgirls Boxing Club.
Q: What’s your favorite?
Food- spaghetti
Book- Harry Potter
Game- Monopoly, PS3 Planet 2
Color- light yellow, the shade black
Sport- competitive cheerleading, I’m a flyer so I get thrown up in the air and do lots of flips
Animal- rats
Place to go- Sky Zone so I can practice my flips
Q: How old were you in your book?
A: I was ten years old. I’m now twelve.
Q: What’s it like to be in a book?
A: Pretty cool. You get to meet a bunch of people and it’s really fun to take the photos.
Q: What’s it like having a difference?
A: I have a facial difference, a cleft nose. You might get bullied. You’ve got to just brush it off.
Q: What do you want to be when you grow up?
A: A veterinarian. I love animals. I currently own six: one dog, two cats and three rats.
Q: What do you wish others understood or knew about you?
A: I’m not a monster. I’m not scary and you can come up and talk to me. Just because I have a nose difference doesn’t make me different from anyone else.
Learn more about facial differences
Claire’s boxing coach, Vivian, is differently sight abled. She has a therapy dog, Catcher. Learn more about blindness
Learn more about the Toronto Newsgirls Boxing Club
Descriptive Audiobook
Claire's book is in the Described and Captioned Media Program (DCMP) library established for students with visual impairments.
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