Matteo and Cristian live in Canada. They both speak English and French. Matteo and Cristian have known Rebecca, their mom’s friend, all their lives. Rebecca is their friend, too. She has cerebral palsy.
Matteo answers the interview questions:
Q: What’s your favorite?
Food-cheese burgers and hot dogs
Book- Matteo Wants to See What’s Next, of course!
Game- Clash of Clans video game
Place to go-Florida because I like the sun it’s not cold there.
Q: How old were you in your book?
A: Six years old.
Q: What’s it like to be in a book?
A: I was happy to be in a book that was very important, especially because I was the main character. I liked missing school to take the pictures!
Q: What’s it like having a disability ?
A: I think people with disabilities shouldn’t be judged by their face or actions. I live with a challenge that it’s hard to pay attention sometimes. I can feel a little odd because I think that some things are too boring. Rebecca’s disability makes it hard for her to move. We both are different but both of us are awesome!
Q: What do you want to be when you grow up?
A: Professional baseball player
Q: What do you wish others understood or knew about you?
A: I want others to know that I am kind.