Waylen wasn’t able to have an interview with us so we’ll share some fun information about him.
Waylen was seven years old and in the 2nd grade when his story was written. He was the first child with autism to become part of his community drumline program. His older brother had been on the drumline for five years and that’s one of the reasons Waylen really wanted to join. Waylen also always loved to beat on things when he was little and he loved music!
Waylen doesn’t talk very much. It’s hard for him to communicate. When we asked him how he played the drums. He said, “One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.” Waylen knew that playing the drum was all about counting the beats.
Waylen’s teacher, Sal Cruz, told us that Walyen has a natural heart for music and the beat. When Waylen plays his smiles. Waylen feels part of the team when he thinks he is playing right. Sal sees Waylen feeling like he isn’t any different than any of the other children. He plays like them and is ‘one of them’.
Learn more about the drumline .
Learn more about autism
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