Claire knows that her mom and other women at the Toronto Girls Boxing Club have really cool boxing names. They have names like Slice n' Dice and Eraser. Getting a boxing name is a big honor. Can Claire show her coach she's earned a special boxing name?
By sharing Claire's story we celebrate both Claire and Vivian's many strengths and abilities. Claire has a facial difference. Vivian is differently sight abled.
Cooper lives on a farm. His family keeps busy doing many chores. Today is filled with chores they need to do to keep their sheep healthy. Which chore smells yucky? Which chore is scary? Which chore is fun? Which chore is Cooper's favorite?
By sharing Cooper's story we celebrate his many strengths and abilities, Cooper has arthrogryposis and TAR syndrome
It seems like all boys want a puppy. But not Ethan! He’s happy playing with his cars. His older brothers have a different idea. They talk Mom and Dad into getting them a puppy. It’s a good thing that Ethan is around when they discover their idea didn’t work out the way they thought it would.
By sharing Ethan's story we celebrate his many strengths and abilities, Ethan was born with a congenital heart defect.
Dylan has an awesome friend. His friend, Poppin’ Joe pops and sells popcorn. Poppin’ Joe has a very fun job. It’s noisy fun! Dylan learns from Poppin’ Joe how to do a job you love.
By sharing Dylan's story we celebrate his many strengths and abilities, Dylan has Down syndrome. Poppin' Joe also has Down syndrome and autism.
Kaitlyn loves ducks. Her family loves all the animals. Seeing those apes and lions and elephants and goats and giraffes and bears, just isn’t what Kaitlyn wants to do. What’s a girl to do, when it’s family day at the zoo?
By sharing Kaitlyn's story we celebrate her many strengths and abilities, Kaitlyn has Down syndrome.
Isiah and Marco share their love of baseball. Who’s going to hit the ball farther? Who’s going to hit the ball higher? Whose ball will hit the barn? Cousins like to tease and play when Grandpa is pitching.
By sharing Isiah's story we celebrate his many strengths and abilities, Isiah has Spina Bifida.
Matteo and Cristian love to spend the day with their friend Rebecca. Today, Rebecca has a surprise for them. Matteo can't wait to see it! He's on the move as they explore the Royal Ontario Museum.
By sharing Matteo's story we celebrate Rebecca's many strengths and abilities. Rebecca has cerebral palsy.
MyaGrace loves music and dancing. Her school is having a big dance and she wants to go with her friend Emily. She has so much to do to get ready. What should she wear? How should she fix her hair? What color should she paint her fingernails? Will she get everything done in time?
By sharing MyaGrace's story we celebrate her many strengths and abilities, MyaGrace has cerebral palsy and intellectual disabilities.
Everyone in MyaGrace’s family makes music. MyaGrace plays the piano but it’s not the same. She wants to join her family when they are making music. How is she going to figure this out? Fortunately, MyaGrace knows just the person to help.
By sharing MyaGrace's story we celebrate her many strengths and abilities, MyaGrace has cerebral palsy and intellectual disabilities.
Neema lives in the mountains of Lushoto, Tanzania. Her day is full of fun. She tricks Joseph. She helps Mama Eduma. She sings with the children. She is always looking for ways to learn.
By sharing Neema’s story we celebrate her many strengths and abilities. Neema has learning disabilities.
OE is counting down the days until Friday. It’s her favorite day of the week. Each day she has fun, but she knows she will have fabulous fun on Friday. She can’t wait for her special time with Dad and her coach, Austin.
By sharing OE's story we celebrate her many strengths and abilities, OE has cerebral palsy.
In Tanzania, there’s a village where a girl named Onika lives. She loves to go to school with her friends. Onika, Teo, Agnes and Elibeth keep busy with different activities. How will Onika and her friends discover their talent?
By sharing Onika's story we celebrate her many strengths and abilities. Onika has intellectual disabilities. Her friends have intellectual disabilities and autism.
Reese loves having a secret. It’s so much fun sharing clues with his friends. They have to wait until Halloween to discover his wonderful surprise. But it’s worth the wait!
By sharing Reese's story we celebrate his many strengths and abilities, Reese has a spinal cord injury.
Playing the drum is so much fun. Waylen could do that all day long. But learning to be in a drumline is different. How will Waylen learn to drum with his line? What happens when Waylen is jamming?
By sharing Waylen's story we celebrate his many strengths and abilities, Waylen has autism.
Claire sait que sa mère et les autres femmes du Club de boxe féminin de Toronto ont des noms de boxe vraiment géniaux. L’une d’entre elles se nomme L’Effaceuse, une autre La Broyeuse. Recevoir un nom de boxe est un grand honneur. Est-ce que Claire réussira à prouver à son entraîneuse qu’elle mérite, elle aussi, un nom de boxe?
Parece que todos los niños quieren un perrito. ¡Pero no Ethan! Él es feliz jugando con sus autos. Sus hermanos mayores tienen una idea diferente. Ellos convencen a mamá y a papá de conseguir un perrito. Es bueno que Ethan esté ahí cuando descubren que su idea no funcionó de la forma que pensaban.
Dylan tiene un amigo estupendo. Su amigo Joe Palomitas hace y vende palomitas de maíz. Joe Palomitas tiene un trabajo muy divertido. ¡Es una diversión ruidosa! Dylan aprende de Joe Palomitas cómo hacer un trabajo que le encante
Kaitlyn ama los patos. A su familia le encantan todos los animales. Pero ver monos, leones, elefantes, cabras, jirafas y osos, no es exactamente lo que Kaitlyn quiere hacer. ¿Qué debe hacer una niña durante un día familiar en el zoológico?
Isiah y Marco comparten su amor por el béisbol. ¿Quién va a golpear la pelota más lejos? ¿Quién va a golpear la pelota más alto? ¿De quién será la pelota que golpee el granero? A estos primos les gusta bromear y jugar, cuando es el abuelo quien está lanzando.
Mattéo et Cristian aime bien passer du temps avec leur amie Rebecca. Aujourd’hui, Rebecca a une surprise pour eux. Mattéo a bien hâte de découvrir ce que c’est. C’est avec joie qu’il explore son musée préféré.
A MyaGrace le encanta la música y el baile. Su escuela está organizando un gran baile y ella quiere ir con su amiga Emily. Ella tiene mucho que hacer para alistarse. ¿Qué debería ponerse? ¿Cómo debería arreglarse el cabello? ¿De qué color debería pintarse las uñas? ¿Podrá tener todo listo a tiempo?
Todos en la familia de MyaGrace hacen música. MyaGrace toca el piano, pero no es lo mismo. Ella quiere unirse a su familia cuando están haciendo música. ¿Cómo va ella a resolver esto?Afortunadamente, MyaGrace conoce a la persona indicada para ayudarla.
Neema lives in the mountains of Lushoto, Tanzania. Her day is full of fun. She tricks Joseph. She helps Mama Eduma. She sings with the children. She is always looking for ways to learn.
OE está contando los días hasta el viernes. Es su día preferido de la semana. Ella se divierte cada día, pero sabe que el viernes es más divertido y fabuloso. Ella tiene muchas ganas de pasarla bien con papá y con su entrenador, Austin.
Ndani ya Tanzania kuna kijiji kidogo ambapo msichana anayeitwa Onika anaishi. Yeye anapenda kwenda shuleni na rafiki zake. Onika, Teophani, Agnes na Elibeth wote wanashughuli wanazopenda kufanya shuleni. Ni kitu gani Onika anapenda kufanya? Ni jinsi gani Onika na rafiki zake wanaweza kujifunza ujuzi wa kusaidia kijiji chao?
Una historia real que promueve la inclusión y la autodeterminación.
Reese tiene un secreto increíble. Él se divierte mucho dándole pistas a sus amigos. Ellos tienen que esperar hasta Halloween para descubrir su maravillosa sorpresa. Pero la espera vale la pena!
Tocar el tambor es muy divertido. Waylen podría hacerlo todo el día. Pero aprender a tocar en una banda de percursionistas es diferente. ¿Cómo aprenderá Waylen a tocar el tambor con su banda? ¿Qué sucede cuando Waylen está improvisando con su tambor?
Les formes à l’école
What shape do you see when you look at a ruler? Discover fun shapes that can be found at school. For extra fun, learn words for shapes in both English and French.
Les endroits à l’école
Why did Aaron have to go to the office? There's a lot that can happen in different places in school. 1st grade students in Canada have fun sharing news about places in their school. They make it extra fun by telling you in both English and French.
Les contraires à l’école
How would you teach someone what is little or big? Matteo and Cristian have fun ways to teach you many opposites at their school. It's even more fun learning them in English and French.
Mon incroyable corps à l'école
How would you share what you do with your legs in school? First grade students in Canada have some fun ideas about how they use their amazing bodies. For extra fun, you'll learn new words in both English and French.
Les emotions à l’école
What does someone's facial expression tell you? Learn about feelings by looking at faces of 1st grade students in Canada. For extra fun, learn words for feelings in both English and French.
Les amis à l’école
It's very fun to have a friend at school. What do you like to do with your friend? What do you have in common? How are you different? Learn all about friends in a 1st grade class from Canada. You'll have extra fun learning new words in English and French.
Nyuso Kwa Migongo Yetu
Our fronts and backs are different. Can you find the back that matches the front of an animal? It’s fun guessing! It’s also fun to learn animal names in English and Swahili.
Kuangalia Familia Zetu
All animals have families. Monkey, hippo, elephant, buffalo and zebra families look very different. Do you think you can find their families? You can learn to name them in English and Swahili, too.
Rangi Za Makaratasi Yetu
Are colors the same all around the world? See what colors kindergarteners in Tanzania are choosing as they color their school papers. It’s fun to learn the name in English and Swahili.
Todos en la familia de MyaGrace hacen música. MyaGrace toca el piano, pero no es lo mismo. Ella quiere unirse a su familia cuando están haciendo música. ¿Cómo va ella a resolver esto?Afortunadamente, MyaGrace conoce a la pe.
Una historia real que promueve la inclusión y la autodeterminación.
Reese tiene un secreto increíble. Él se divierte mucho dándole pistas a sus amigos. Ellos tienen que esperar hasta Halloween para descubrir su maravillosa sorpresa. Pero la espera vale la pena!
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"These new curriculum materials are such a great supplement to the Finding My Way Books. The exercises are meaningful, the activities are student-centered, and, perhaps most importantly, all of the suggested conversations and lessons are focused on inclusivity and belonging!"
Author of "You're Going to Love This Kid": Teaching Students with Autism in Inclusive Classrooms
Finding My Way Inclusive
SEL Curriculum: K-3
Research has determined that expanded social, emotional learning (SEL) enhances academic achievement. As a literature-based study, this curriculum compliments SEL skill development by deepening students’ understanding and acceptance of themselves through exposure to life experiences of individuals with disabilities living in their communities. Discussions and activities build student capacity in self-awareness as defined by CASEL.
Finding My Story
Afterschool Program: K-1
The Finding My Story program challenges students to think about diversity. Using multidisciplinary activities, it also provides an opportunity for students to discover their own story.
“All in all, Finding My Story is an excellent program. One of my favorite parts about this program is how versatile it is since it is planned around six different books. All the students were very excited about the books, loved the characters and the activities.” Kendra Allen, LMSW/Unit Director Boys & Girls Club
Finding My Story
Afterschool Program: 2-3
The Finding My Story program challenges students to think about diversity. Using multidisciplinary activities, it also provides an opportunity for students to discover their own story.
“All in all, Finding My Story is an excellent program. One of my favorite parts about this program is how versatile it is since it is planned around six different books. All the students were very excited about the books, loved the characters and the activities.” Kendra Allen, LMSW/Unit Director Boys & Girls Club
Finding My Way Inclusive
DEI Curriculum: K-3
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